April 21, 2011

Rumour: iPhone 5 will be launched next June


  Continuing the success of the iPhone, Apple Inc. Allegedly going to announce the iPhone 5 in the event the Worldwide Developers Conference in June. The latest version of the iPhone rumors will not experience the design overhaul, but only a slight modification. In terms of processors, the iPhone 5 will use the A5 processor is also used in iPad 2. In addition, this smartphone will be equipped with 8 megapixel resolution camera and IOS operating system 5. IOS operating system 5 and Mac OS X 10.7 Lion reportedly will also be launched by Apple at the same event.

  Because of the disaster that hit Japan could lead to limitations of the component, Apple is focusing the use of each component are available to make the iPhone 5. Apple reportedly will begin trial production stage for the iPhone 5 in August, while mass production will be held the following month. If properly implemented, the plan to sell Apple's iPhone device as much as 28 to 32 million units by the end of this year can be achieved.

  Apple seems to want to continue to provoke the curiosity of the fans of their products. Being five have not seen the iPhone, but rumors about the iPhone 6 has begun to circulate. Revamp the design and features on the device the iPhone is suppose to happen on the sixth version that will be launched in 2012.

  Are all these rumors true? We must be patient and wait. However, given annually Apple always managed to renew the ranks of the iPhone, it appears that this rumor will not be too far wrong.

URL: https://loserba.blogspot.com/2011/04/rumour-iphone-5-will-be-launched-next.html

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