April 28, 2011

Preview : BlackBerry Playbook


  If you are truly BlackBerry user you must have heard about the Playbook. News of the tablets made ​​by BlackBerry is widely heard on the internet. Until now, this device officially sold only in two countries. This afternoon we got a tablet device that invites many questions among users of Blackberry smartphones this. Yup, BlackBerry Playbook already landed in the office of Loserba Review.

  We get this Blackberry Playbook loan from a friend (whose name is not to be given once the device is still new.) BlackBerry Playbook non warranty is (because it has not officially launched in Indonesia) lent to our review in Loserba Review.

  'BlackBerry Playbook' that came up where we have storage capacity of 64GB. Blackberry Playbook with 64GB capacity this is the Playbook series with the largest capacity. Inside the Playbook BlackBerry sales package, with a black box made ​​of thick cardboard, you will get a manual book with a variety of languages​​, cleaning the screen, charger, USB data cable and Blackberry Playbook itself. It features soft fabric with a black slave. Can not wait to find out how well this 'BlackBerry Playbook'? wait for our next review.

URL: https://loserba.blogspot.com/2011/04/preview-blackberry-playbook.html

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