April 20, 2011

Diablo 3 Comes in the Multi-platform


  The fate of PC gaming is being tested, especially those associated with exclusive games that were there. After emigration one of the best PC FPS game, Crysis to consoles, now turn one artificial game Blizzard, Diablo 3 that will take the same path. What is the quality degradation that occurs in Crysis 2 will also occur in Diablo 3? PC gamers probably already beginning to feel alarmed.

  Relax, because the leader of content designers from Blizzard, Kevin Martens, a statement which is enough to make a relief. According to Martens, an ordinary thing if Blizzard is trying toto bring Diablo 3 for all gaming equipment available ,including Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 in it . However, Martens also emphasized that they remain focused to deliver Diablo 3 in the best quality for the PC. So may be concluded, the PC was the main target is the only console Blizzard and farm extra income.

  Blizzard is still trying to arrange a team whose task is to maximize developers of Diablo 3 so can run well on a console. About the release date is anticipated game all these years, remained Martens would not comment. "This game will be ready when it's ready," he said. If you must argue, I think gamers have waited too long to Diablo 3 and almost all of them agree on one thing: WE WANT IT NOW!

URL: https://loserba.blogspot.com/2011/04/diablo-3-comes-in-multi-platform.html

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